Sunday, April 18, 2010

Internet Habits

Well my new found enthusiasm for the blog didn't last's already been a week between posts! I think it's because internet time is so precious these days as I can only use the net when Cate is asleep - it's too hard otherwise as she wants to 'help' and that just goes nowhere.

First place I check on line is (99% of the time) Facebook. I am well and truly addicted and check it a minimum of twice a day if I am at home. I love everyone's status updates and I love using it to check out pics - I hate all the games and Farmville and what not.

After Facebook I usually move on to ebay (these days anyway). I have been on the hunt for a Phil and Ted's double pram and finally scored one last night. I have been outbid six times previously so am thrilled to have finally secured a pram. Only thing is that I am yet to hear from the seller and we need to tee up the fact that the pram is coming from Tassie in a few weeks. So hopefully I'll be reporting happy pram details around May 10th or so. Stay tuned.

After e-bay it's usually i-do. It's a wedding forum BUT I don't play in the wedding section, I play in the parenting section and love it there. There's always something to catch up on and now that I have been a part of the forum community for over two years I can safely say I have friends on there that I love chatting with. I was, in fact, inspired to start blogging due to the fact that many i-do girls blog and do it so well.

Other sites I visit regularly include my blogger dashboard to read everybody else's blogs (I'm still reading even when I'm not posting!!) and my ANZ banking site (boring and stressful. I hate money...or the lack of money anyway!). I'm also a fan of PostSecret and I have to check my emails at gmail too.

So that's me. By the time I get through all of that hours can have gone by...and I have to exist in the real world too! So poor blog, you are often neglected and shall quite possibly remain so.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Great 'Vicks At Naptime' Incident of 2010

This one is for Biddo too because I know how funny she found it when she read about it on facebook. So, the Great 'Vicks At Naptime' Incident of 2010 starts out like this:

Cate has had a sniffle the last few days so I have been rubbing Baby Vicks on her chest at each nappy change. It smells divine and helps clear her blocked nose so I figured it couldn't hurt. WRONG!

Yesterday I changed Cate, rubbed Vicks on her chest and placed the opened container on the edge of her cot. At that moment she sneezed, snot went flying EVERYWHERE and I dived for a face washer to start repairing the damage. The result? A clean, snot free baby BUT an open jar of Baby Vicks remianed on the edge of the cot. You can see where this is going right?!

An hour later Cate went down for her nap. I rushed in to draw the curtains whilst her milk was heating then came back into the darkened room with my baby bundled up and deposited her and the milk in her cot, kissed her and left. No problems. An hour and half later she cried out for me and I walked in to collect her.

I opened the door and....uh oh...what was that overpowering smell? I mean, sure I put Vicks on her chest, but the whole room now smelt like Vicks. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't unpleasant but it was kinda weird....

...until I got to the cot and saw my daughter. OH MY LORD!!!!!! The Baby Vicks jar, now completely empty, rolled around the cot and Cate was COVERED in the stuff. Her hair, face, sleeping bag, bottle, sheets and toy mirror were COATED. Cue hysteria. From mummy of course - Cate thought it was HILARIOUS.

It's been a rather full on 24 hours since where I have bemoaned my forgetfulness endlessly and frantically phoned family and friends for advice as well as trawling the net for solutions. The end result: seven separate shampoos - some in the bath, some in the shower - two further washes in dishwashing liquid AND (the absolute winner) using a dry shampoo in a can. Twice. The end result is a little girl who may never want to have her hair washed again BUT one who has beautiful, clean, Vicks-free hair. Thank God for that!

Back in the game?

Guess what?

One of my besties read my blog. Finally someone I know read it and wrote to me about it and the funny thing is I have gone totally off blogging and haven't been here for weeks. But Biddo may have just inspired me to give it a crack again...her new blog is already cracking and it looks so pretty :)

I told her that I can't get the tone of this blog right. I don't know if I want to be funny, if I want to take the piss, if I want to be all serious and homely and tone seems to change each time I read a blog on my list. The other thing I've been thinking about since I fell pregnant is that I often write in this blog like it's a diary BUT it will never be that because other people (okay not many other people, but others all the same!) read it and you don't go sharing your diary around, do you? If I was truly blogging diary style, my pregnancy would have appeared on this blog in January when I found out. Because it's internet land though it stayed a secret until after the 'safe' mark.

It's also weird because I don't know who's reading it or aunt read this the other day and I nearly died of embarrassment, she must have thought I was so full of myself!

Because I haven't blogged in ages I've removed the link to this blog from my facebook page and my forum page as I thought I was going to let it die. Watching Biddo get into blogging though has reminded me why I was sucked in at the's so addictive when you get on a roll. So maybe I'll give it another crack and see how it goes.

Over and out. For now...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Baby News

So at last I can explain why I haven't been blogging properly for aaaaaaages. Primarily it's because I have been feeling like crap. And the reason I have been feeling like crap?

I'm pregnant!!!!

Whoooo - freaking - hoo!!!!!

Even though many people know in the real world I have been keeping it a secret from the internet whilst I waited to reach 12 weeks. That little milestone happened yesterday and I am feeling good so here is news!

We were so lucky this time round, it was a much quicker process. It took four cycles to conceive (we conceived on the fourth) and I did it with a little bit of help from my old friend Clomid. Only difference was I used a girlfriend's left over packet without my doctor's supervision. I know. Bad. But, my logic was "hey, give this a go, see if it works, if not, no stress, back to the Fertility Specialist in Feb". I took a very low dose, much lower than I needed to conceive Cate and wham, bam, thank you M' worked.

I took a pregnancy test only because hubby suggested it was a good idea as I was being a feral cow, having period like symptoms AND my sense of smell went through the roof...I could smell rotting mould everywhere, it was awful.

The test revealed a bright pink second line IMMEDIATELY :) I had to do a happy dance with Cate in the bathroom as we were the only ones home!

That was quite some time ago and, in the mean time, I have morning (more like all day) sickness, extreme fatigue and a whole lot of bloating. I'm looking fat and pudgey (not pregnant!) but feeling better and about to go and see my midwife for my first appointment.

Life is good :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shameless Show Off

Well I would have taken the lazy way out and just have loaded these on facebook sans long blog BUT my page is 'temporarily unavailable" which I hate. So here I am.

It would seem I have the cutest daughter in the universe who is also, by the way, the biggest show off EVER. The other day I induldged in some shopping...only a little bit as that is all I can afford and only for Cate because, let's face it, shopping for her is so fun, fun, fun. I can also justify her purchases much better than buying yet another top for me that I will probably wear two or three times before growing out of it (hehehehe - more to come on that little issue on Monday!).

Anyways I bought Cate new runners with...wait for it...velcro. Oh, she could die and go to heaven! This kid LOVES velcro! Her little runners are pink (God damn it I am SO OVER pink) but they are also white and they are as cute as hell. Missy fancies herself in them like you wouldn't believe.

Second purchase was a coat from Target. Here was the dilema: two coats, one a stylish and gorgeous trench style in a deep pink, very trendy, the other a hot, hot, hot pink parka style with green lining and a fur trim. Now, my tastes ran towards the former, the stylish trench. Unfortunately though, the trench was not anywhere near padded enough, not warm and snuggly enough for our cold winters. So I was forced to purchase the well padded but garish fluro pink fur trimmed coat. Sigh. MORE pink.

I need not have worried however, as Cate fell in deep, passionate love with her new fluro pink coat. She ran delightedly from the kitchen to the bedroom to stare at herself in my mirror, over and over and again. She who hates hats loved the fur trimmed parka hood and screamed when I took it off. So...even though I hate it, I now kinda love it, purely because it has delighted my girl so much. Proof is in the pudding up top :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Three weeks later...

Time flies when you're not blogging. It's been three weeks since I was last here celebrating at my own pity party. I have five minutes to myself as hubby has taken baby for a walk - must be quick then.

Things are better? Worse? The same? No, they are better. Sleeping is still not great but I've done more reading (sigh) and implemented a few changes and they've worked a little. I got tougher on food and made up big freezer stashes of healthy things for Cate to try - I have had some success, more vegies, fruit, meat and fish have been ingested on some days, it's still pretty hit and miss. The horrid bout of teething that plagued the house for nearly a month has eased and Catie has two new molars and three other teeth (I don't know all the proper teeth names - so shoot me)half way there. I'm relieved the teething has slowed but am aware it will be back with a venegence...still a break is better than nothing.

So yeah, the pity party stuff has slowed down too.

There's been other exciting developments on the horizon too. My sister and her fiance have set the date for their wedding and picked a venue (Jan 29th 2011 - bring it on!), my parents have sold their business and are slowly getting through the last hand over weeks (final date is March 19th, can't wait) and we have started adding a third bedroom to our house - our new room! We have added a wall to our large upstairs 'loft' space and created a new room. Wardrobes are going in this week, air con went in last week, there's been painting and plastering and nails, bolts and screws - all very exciting stuff. Can't wait til it's finished and we can move in.

So yeah - life is better. We are running away next week for a mini break...will be back to blog and finally add some piccies after that!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mother how you want to mother?

I am sick of apologising for not being motivated enough with this blog. So there. No apologies today.

Just read an interesting post titled 'Mother How You Want To Mother' and it got me thinking. While this post was about this particular mother's journey through the first seven weeks of her baby's life and I'm a long way past that heady stage, I started thinking about how I DON'T 'mother how I want to mother'. Not really anyway.

When Cate was little, it was easy. Sure there was sleep deprivation but, hello, there's STILL sleep deprivation. And everything else has gotten harder. My tiny little seven week old was an angel...feeding, burping, sleeping through...bliss. I am now dealing with a 'full of personality' toddler and man, it's a whole different ball park.

I always had in my mind that I, of course, would be SuperMother. No hesitation there. I just 'knew' mothering was something I would be good at. I had this image of having funny little kidlets who had great personalities, great manners, great respect for others. I would be firm but fair when it came to discipline, my children would know that my no MEANT no and I would make a few mistakes along the way (don't we all) but not many. In a nutshell: SuperMother come on down.

The reality is sadly different.

My dad says I am a Marshmellow Mother and, even thought I'm not as soft as he thinks, I am certainly not as 'tough' I would like to be when it comes to my little firecracker. I never realised I would be blessed with such a strong willed drama queen and I know I haven't always dealt with her in the best way possible.

I'm NOT mothering how I would like to mother. Cate gets away with murder because I've realised I'm more a "Peace At Any Price" mum as compared to a "When I Say No I Mean It" type mum. I have been horrified, literally horrified by the amount of utter crap my daughter has been eating lately and yet, tonight she ate chips from the chicken shop for dinner because I simply didn't have the energy to whip up something healthy she wouldn't eat anyways. I used to be tough when it came to her night wake I have reverted to getting her a bottle to get her back to sleep quickly as I crave sleep so desperately. She drinks too much milk, eats nowhere enough good, healthy food (or food full stop) and she frequently gets away with behaviour that she shouldn't (for example, climbing on the kitchen table or playing with my mobile phone) because I can't be bothered suffering through another tantrum.

Sigh. Pity party much?